RIP Neil Armstrong

Whoever drew this…is pretty damn epic.
Lots of people think this is 'Princess Yue' of Avatar: The Last Airbender Fame.
A fair guess, but this is actually Chang'e from Chinese Mythology (Mid-Autmn Festival).
Knowing the story, with the Mid-Autumn Festival around the corner and with the departure of the first man on the moon, this picture actually touched me…and nearly moved me to tears.
Rest in peace Neil Armstrong. The fact that you've always taken the priviledge as the first man on the moon simply as 'a job done' only reinforces your worthiness of such an endeavour.
Thank you, for all man kind.
"Neil Armstrong (1930-2012) was not entirely human. He was the spiritual repository of our spacefaring dreams & ambitions. In death, a little bit of us all dies with him. Farewell my friend. And now, perhaps more than ever, I bid you godspeed." – Neil deGrasse Tyson